4 min read

Exploring Cloud Based CCM Strategies - Part 2

Shweta Gupta

Associate OpenText Head

In our previous blog, we discussed how cloud based CCM platforms offer companies unparalleled flexibility, enhanced staff collaboration, robust data security, and agility in adapting to evolving customer needs. These platforms can also enable seamless integration and deployment across multiple global locations, eliminating the need for physical infrastructure.

By now, we know delivering seamless customer experiences is paramount. CCM solutions play a vital role in this endeavour. However, when deploying your CCM platform, a critical decision arises: Should it be cloud-based or cloud-native?

Cloud-based CCM vs. Cloud-native solutions: A Strategic Choice

  • Cloud-based CCM: This method involves porting traditional, on-premises CCM platforms to cloud servers. This enables scalability and remote access, empowering businesses to manage communication efforts from any internet-connected location. However, these adaptations might not fully realize the potential of the cloud environment. Integration capabilities with other cloud-native features and functionalities may be limited, potentially hindering the overall efficiency and agility of the system.
  • Cloud-native solutions: Cloud-native CCM solutions, in contrast, are explicitly architected for the cloud from the ground up. This design ensures they fully leverage the inherent capabilities of cloud computing. Cloud-native CCM offers superior scalability and elasticity, allowing seamless resource adjustments to meet fluctuating communication demands. These solutions integrate seamlessly with other cloud-based applications, fostering a more dynamic and efficient ecosystem for managing customer interactions across various channels.

Factors to consider: Making the right choice

Choosing the right CCM solution for your organization requires careful consideration. Here's a breakdown of critical factors to evaluate when deciding between cloud-based and cloud-native CCM:

Scalability and flexibility:

  • Cloud-based CCM: This may require more planning for scaling resources during peak communication periods. Customization options might be more limited. However, some cloud-based solutions offer scalability options that may be sufficient for businesses with predictable communication volumes.
  • Cloud-native CCM:  This approach offers on-demand scalability, allowing you to effortlessly adjust resources to meet fluctuating communication demands. Due to its modern architecture, it provides more flexibility for tailoring the platform to specific needs.


  • Cloud-based CCM: The implementation timeframe could be longer depending on the complexity of migrating data and adapting existing workflows. However, some well-established cloud-based solutions have streamlined implementation processes.
  • Cloud-native CCM: This approach involves a faster implementation process because the platform is designed for the cloud environment and leverages pre-built components.

Cost considerations:

  • Cloud-based CCM: Lower upfront costs can be attractive, but ongoing maintenance and potential licensing fees for additional features can add up over time.
  • Cloud-native CCM: This may require a subscription model, but often includes maintenance and updates in the subscription fee. In the long run, this could potentially lead to a more predictable and cost-effective solution, especially for businesses with dynamic communication needs.

Maintenance and updates:

  • Cloud-based CCM: Your company might be responsible for maintaining the underlying infrastructure and applying updates, requiring additional IT resources.
  • Cloud-native CCM: The vendor handles infrastructure maintenance and system updates, freeing your IT resources to focus on core business activities.

Integration capabilities:

  • Cloud-based CCM: Depending on the specific solution, integration with other cloud-based applications may be limited, potentially hindering a unified communication ecosystem.
  • Cloud-native CCM: This is designed for seamless integration with other cloud-native applications, fostering a more streamlined and efficient communication workflow.

Technology stack:

  • Cloud-based CCM: This may rely on legacy architectures, which can be stable and reliable, but might limit future innovation and integration capabilities.
  • Cloud-native CCM: This utilizes cloud-native technologies (e.g., microservices and containers), offering a more modern and adaptable foundation for future growth and integration with other modern cloud applications.


  • Cloud-based CCM:  Relies on the dependability of the third-party cloud platform on which it is  hosted . However, many reputable cloud providers offer high uptime guarantees.
  • Cloud-native CCM:  Designed for resilience and high availability, this approach often utilizes redundant infrastructure and disaster recovery features to ensure robust and reliable communication.

The decision between cloud-based and cloud-native solutions boils down to understanding your organization's unique needs and priorities. While both options offer distinct advantages, such as flexibility and security, assessing factors like integration capabilities, customization options, and long-term scalability is crucial. You can embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced customer engagement and operational efficiency by aligning your choice with your business objectives and future growth plans. Whether opting for the agility of cloud-native solutions or the accessibility of cloud-based software, the key lies in making an informed decision that empowers your organization to thrive in the digital era.